“A well-functioning endocrine system is vital to homeostasis”
Claire Mahy, 360° Wellness Expert
Good hormone health is fundamental to 360° health. The hormone package will examine the key pillars of hormone health; the adrenal gland, thyroid gland and sex hormones. If one pillar is overloaded or weakened, then the whole structure can be compromised. These extensive panels use combinations of dried urine, saliva swabs and blood for accurate and reliable data. Once your tests results are returned by the biomedical labs, we can review your results and support you with a complete clinical assessment before forming your bespoke plan, personalised to your lifestyle and health needs.

Your adrenal glands produce several hormones, one of them being cortisol, your body’s primary stress hormone. Adrenal fatigue happens when there’s an imbalance in this cortisol rhythm.
Hormones control metabolism and therefore are intricately connected to the amount of fat you gain or lose. Changing levels of estrogen can affect your weight, particularly around the menopause.
Hormonal Imbalance is one of the main contributing causes of female infertility. There are numerous hormonal abnormalities that could lead to infertility, examples include hypothyroidism (low thyroid function), hyperprolactinemia (high male hormone levels) and luteal phase defect (low progesterone levels).
Some women of menstruating age notice their libido is higher at certain times of the month, frequently around ovulation. It seems likely, therefore, that female hormones play a role in sexual desire. The three major female hormones are oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone, and when they are out of balance, problems can occur.
Evidence suggests that hormonal changes may promote the onset of depression. Hormones that are out of kilter are known to lead to significant fluctuations in mood often brought about by changes in the central nervous system, altered metabolism and by the action of hormones within the cells.
Your hormone health test data helps us to discover exactly where any health problem might lie and be compromising your health. As part of your hormone health experience, our expert team can guide you to select the appropriate functional test for you and your health needs.
Cortisol is a major player when it comes to helping your body cope with stress. Working closely beside it is oestrogen, which plays a key role in managing cortisol, so that it stays within normal levels. Ageing signals decline in oestrogen production whilst cortisol levels increase – which means your body’s control of cortisol is less effective, leaving you feeling more easily stressed. Long term stress places an enormous burden on the body, depleting valuable nutrient reserves. Chronically raised cortisol levels have been linked to depressed mood symptoms and can be responsible for the ‘spare tyre’ of fat stored around your middle.
Your thyroid is a vital gland affecting the metabolism of every cell in your body. The hormones released from your thyroid play a critical role in your blood glucose levels, body temperature, heart rate, growth and development and your central nervous system activity. Any deficiencies or excesses in your thyroid hormones will have a significant negative effect on your body. Studies suggest that 80% of people have a sub-optimal or sub-clinical thyroid.
Insulin is released from your pancreas in response to raised blood sugar levels; it works in tandem with cortisol to maintain blood sugar levels within the correct balance. Cortisol ensures there is sufficient glucose in the blood while insulin unlocks the cell membranes to push glucose into the cells as a source of energy. If cortisol and insulin become imbalanced then can result in insulin resistance a major risk factor for obesity, diabetes and heart disease.)
Both men and women produce the main sex hormones; oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone, although in different amounts. Oestrogen is the primary female sex hormone which functions to promote growth and reproduction. It works in tandem with its sister hormone progesterone, to balance and control the activities of oestrogen. Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, is responsible for fat distribution, muscle and bone mass, body hair and your sex drive. Whilst progesterone is the main team mate to oestrogen, it also serves as the precursor to testosterone. It is critical for all three sex hormones to be in balance to achieve optimal hormone health.
DHEA is a substance produced by the adrenal glands and used by your body to make steroid hormones such as oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. It has an antagonistic influence on cortisol limiting many of its detrimental effects, thereby reducing stress, improving sleep, immune function, cardiovascular health, energy, weight, mood and mental clarity.